Why is it when I go away NO ONE DOES MY JOB. They either call me and ask me to call in for service as if someone else couldn't do that or let it sit till I come back. But when other people go on vacation I get to do their job? So I missed the weekly ride this week because I had to do someone else's job along with mine. This will happen all week and it sucks!
17.62 Miles
1:05:13 Time
16.22 Average Speed
32.95 Max Speed

Good Bye work.....

The way out....

Making a left turn.....

Perfect example of a dummy. This Einstein has two different years on his license plate no month. He could not figure out, even though the sticker comes with instruction's, that the year goes on the right side.

Need to return a book at the library....

Town Hall to the right.....

Home At Last.....