Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday Morning

Well I broke another chain this morning. Considering I have only broken a total of 3 chains in 35 years this year has turned out to be a bad year for me and chains. This is my second chain this year. So 34 years 1 chain this year 2 chains. The broken chain almost caused me to crash. I was just cresting a hill and I had been standing pounding on the pedals when suddenly the bike front end went all squirrelly and after I regained control I realized that my feet just spun very easily. I must have broke it as I was sitting down but it caused me to push the handlebars one one side sending me down the road very precariously. The good thing was that I did not go down, did not bang down on the top tube, and I had my trusty tool set with me so that I could fix the chain and keep going.

Well I had 3,691 miles on this chain. It will be replaced tonight!!

Today's stats:

Miles: 9.74
Time: 36:07
Average Speed: 16.18
Average Cadence: 76
Max Speed: 29.57
Total Miles on bike: 35,794

Monday, November 03, 2008

Monday Morning

9.78 Miles
34:15 Ride time
17.14 Average speed
31.09 Max Speed

Well I finally changed out my rear tire. I combined it with a lot of work that was needed. I had a really in bad shape rear wheel that needed to be replaced along with my front brakes so I did all that work this past weekend. Here is the history of that rear tire.

Total miles on tire 10,876.97 Miles
Originally placed on front wheel on 9/14/2006
Moved to Rear wheel on 11/01/2007 with 5,437 miles on it.
Rode it another 5448.74 Miles while on the rear wheel.
So I rode on that wheel since 9/15/2006 which is 2 years 1.5 months with no flats!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Thursday Morning

11.77 Miles
41:30 Ride Time
17.02 Average Speed
32.54 Max Speed

As you can see to the left I have 10506.91 miles on the rear tire. I have not had one flat in all those miles either. Not bad for a $10.00 tire. Of course this is 10/09/2008 in the morning. The chart to the left is generated from my home web site so when I enter my rides into my system at home the totals show up here when the page loads. So after I enter this evenings ride it will be higher.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tuesday Morning

Well I finished out last month with 707 miles for the month.

13.03 Miles
45:41 Time for ride
17.12 Average Speed
34.04 Max Speed

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Well last night I went past 33,000 miles on my Trek 520! Still love the bike. In my opinion it is the best made hands down. I have also added some stuff to make some updates here automatic. The bicyle totals area is now being generated from my personal website every time this page loads. So once I enter my ride info into my database it shows up here too!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Broke a link on my chain today but it was a good break. Only broke once side and I was able to turn around and head home limping all the way. Rode easy so as to not snap the chain since it only had a one sided link in the chain. When the bike shop opened I went and bought a new drive train. Changed out the parts that they actually had and now while I wait on the middle chain ring I am riding the large chain ring. Not the best situation but better then not being able to ride. Hopefully it will be here in a day or two.

14.68 Miles
15.58 Average Speed
56:32 Ride Time
28.63 Max Speed

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Bike To Work Week Day #1

Crummy start to the week. It is much cooler, requiring a sweatshirt, and damp. But then again it is Monday and this year Mondays have not been the best. Other then that it was a nice ride.

9.82 Miles
17:39 Average Speed (Tail wind)
33:53 Time to ride
30.84 Max Speed

Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday Evening

The weather has been real nice lately. Cool in the mornings where I still need a longsleved shirt sometimes still a sweatshirt. But the afternoons have been getting warmer again tee shirt weather.

8.63 Miles
34:20 Time for ride
15.09 Average Speed
25.39 Max Speed

Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday Morning

Cold this morning again. Only 38 degrees out.

9.86 Miles
40:57 Time
14.44 Average Speed
28.74 Max Speed

Nice picture from my neighborhood showing the trees are blooming and spring is just around the corner!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Morning

Nice ride this morning. Temperatures have been rising all week. It was about 45 this morning. Been in shorts from Tuesday. Afternoons have been better in the high 60's low 70's. I hope this weather hangs around from now on. But knowing how it is it won't. It is the nature of the weather beast.

9.85 Miles
35:59 Time to ride
16.43 Average Speed
32.30 Max Speed

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Morning

A good ride this morning a bit cold and windy but fun none the less.

12.00 Miles
50:47 Time
14.18 Average Speed
27.59 max Speed
80 Average Cadence

Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday Morning

Cold this morning 30 degrees. But uneventful

9.72 Miles
38:18 Time for ride
15.22 Average Speed
27.73 Max Speed

A picture on Avent Ferry Rd By Food Lion heading towards Centennial Campus

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday Morning

Nice ride a bit warmer this week. 47 degrees. So I was able to wear shorts again.

12.24 Miles
47:05 Time
15.60 Average Speed
34.98 Max Speed

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday Morning

Cold again but not as cold as yesterday. Yesterday was so cold, 19, that I broke down and purchased booties for my feet last night. Now today was a bit warmer at 29 but my feet did not feel anything. Later in the week it will get even colder and that will be the test.

9.84 Miles
38:57 Time for Ride
15.16 Average Speed
27.49 Max Speed

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday Morning

Well I had my first id10t for 2008 this morning. Just had to honk as if I was really slowing this person down. Come on grow up and stop being a baby people. I pay taxes and I own just as much of the road as you do!

Miles 9.70
36:39 Time
15.88 Average Speed
29.75 Max Speed

Monday, January 07, 2008

Monday Morning

Well it was warmer this morning then it was last week. Other then the good news it was an uneventful ride in as usual.

9.83 Miles
35:30 Time to ride
16.61 Average Speed
31.35 Max Speed

Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday Morning

Still cold out there. About the same as yesterday 22. 1 degree does not really make much of a difference.

10.53 Miles
43:41 Time for ride
14.46 Average Speed
28.10 Max Speed

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Thursday Morning

Even colder this morning. I would rather ride when it is 112 then when it is 21. I hate the cold.

9.86 Miles
40:10 Ride Time
14.73 Average Speed
29.50 Max Speed

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

Well I'm going to try to be better this year about updating this blogg. Very cold this morning at least for me here. Only 25 degrees this morning. Other then being cold it was a nice ride. I did luck out in the aspect that I had a tail wind going to work this morning making a cold ride only cold not bitter cold.

9.86 Miles
15.80 Average Speed
37:26 Time
33.65 Max Speed