Sunday, September 08, 2013

More Deer

There were more deer on late Friday morning. I was working the late shift and going in for the noon start when I came upon a deer at about 11 am. What I initially missed in this encounter was that was mom and her fawn out. I saw the one deer and slowed down since the deer was being hesitant so I waited then the deer finally moved on. Then as I went to go again I spotted movement on the other side of the road and it was the fawn moving. I have circled both in this video then took a snapshot and enhanced it as best I could to show the fawn. It was rather hard to see from a distance. But once I was closer I was able to see it. But my video only saves video in 2Gig chucks and wouldn't you know it I was right at the 2Gig mark at this time and it takes a couple of seconds to close the file and open the next so we miss what happened as I noticed the fawn. But at least on this road it is generally very quite as far as cars go.

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